Glebov Translation bureau
03049, Kyiv, Bryullova street 12, of. 5

Translation of Video- and Audiofiles

Translation of movies, programmes, commercials, etc. is a very interesting and fascinating creative process which needs to be approahced with care and carry out a task accurately and carefully.

The main difficulties of translating videofiles are as follows:

When translating video one mainly uses translation for the purpose of dubbing and subtitling. Work of translator on videofile which needs to be translated, is divided into three stages: temporary marking of translation, crude transfer and adaptation. The temporary marking is a marking of the beginning and the end of a phrase. Crude transfer is simply the translation from source language into the target language, without adaptation of the text to the movement of lips of heroes and duration of phrase sounding. At the last stage of adaptation the translated phrase is edited so that on sounding duration it coincides with the phrase of the original and does not interrupt the dialogue of heroes.

During sound recording session the target text can be changed so that to be suitable for those people who are involved in sound recording.
When translating subtitles one should consider the length of sentences/phrases and translation should house the required fragment, but not on time, rather by quantity of characters. As a rule, the customer does not provide the software in which subtitles are created. Therefore, the translator should adjust Word so that there is a restriction on characters and should always keep in mind that one and a half seconds of conversational speech is about fifteen characters in writing.

Besides each translator should have thorough understanding of all nuances of source language, as well as good writing skills in the target language against the detailed knowledge of culture of the country/countries the languages of which participate in translation of the movie.
All these factors are considered during videofiles translating. The proofreader always reads ready translations to provide the highest translation quality.


Technical translations

Delivery time: from 1 day

Technical translation of instructions, manuals, technical descriptions and passports, drawings and other documents.

Medical translation

Delivery time: from 1 day

Medical translation into all languages: medical reports, sick notes, description of medical substances and researches.

Law translations

Delivery time: day-to-day

Translation of law documents of different character for legal and physical persons within the specified terms.

Financial translation

Delivery time: from 1 day

Translation of the financial documents, accounting records, audit reports and other relevant documents.

Marketing materials translations

Delivery time: from 1 day

High quality translation of marketing materials, texts and slogans for advertisement, catalogues and brochures, translation of different advertisement materials.

Website translation and localisation

Delivery time: from 1 day

Translation of web-sites and localization of software, work with texts according to the requirements of the customer.

Urgent translations

Delivery time: from 1 day

Professional urgent translation of texts and documents can be ordered in Glebov translation agency: the best terms.

Editing and Proofreading

Delivery time: from 1 day

Editing and proofreading in our translation agency from well-qualified translators.

Native speaker translation

Delivery time: from 1 day

Translation and proofreading by native speaker to guarantee the maximum quality level of the translated materials.

Translation of Video and Audio Files

Delivery time: from 1 day

Editing and proofreading in our translation agency from well-qualified translators.